

Throughout the years, our company has developed and mastered a unique quality control method to ensure the elimination of mistakes in tax returns. The process has three steps:

  • Preliminary check of the receipts by a tax account.
  • Main review of all the information and the receipts. Re-entry of data by a second person.
  • Final check by a third person before giving the copy of the tax return to the client.

The main check is a special procedure, which employs highly reliable breakthrough sofware for the detection of errors. Each step is made by a different employee to minimize the human error of overlooking the mistake. In fact, if your Notice of Assessment shows a different amount than we obtained, we will make it right again. We strive for perfection, every step of the way.

Mississauga: 702 Burnhamthope Rd. - Mississauga, L4Y 2X3 - Phone: 905.949.9988 - Fax: 905.949.2965
Bloor: 2290 Bloor St. West - Toronto, M6S 1N9 - Phone: 416.769.4558 - Fax: 416.769.2905
© 2025 TORONTO TAXTRONIX SYSTEM. All Rights Reserved.